Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Music is the answer to your problem homie

Music is a stepping stone for the soul.  Once you find a song you connect to, that adds your soul to the matrix of all other people that shared the same emotion when they heard that song adding to this crazy thing we call society.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Universe Unfolds

Have you ever been on a personal journey of sorts and simply known to the deepest parts of your essence that you are simply at the exact place you need to be? I constantly have these micro epiphanies in my life. They are affirmations i have learned to pick up on and use to help guide my inner self to become the man i am destined to be.

Unsurprisingly, one such event occured today. Lemme break it down real quick:

I was supposed to write my final articling exam, however i was stubborn and didn't purchase the required calculator which put me in a very unlikley position to pass.

I conteplated not going, but went with my instinct to say fuck it, its always better to try and fail, than to cower and live in doubt. 

At the exam, i knew that among the many nervous young faces, i would be one that on this perticular day would somehow be different.

Of course a clerical error left administrators appologizing to me when inside i know that this was simply the universe providing me a path that will ensure i follow my calling.

I strongly beleive that everyone has such callings and must only learn to keep their eyes open for them. The universe along with all people want you to grab your dream by the balls and finally become what you are ment to become. It is fate.