Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ad value Vs Internet speed anaylsis

Internet speeds are exponentially increasing. Rogers Canada is launching a mobile Internet Service with top download speeds of up to 150MB per second.

Online banner ads have been around for a long time and many customers can be quite competent in understanding the difference between web content and advertisement.

As we spend less time on web pages, for example less loading time, it is a fair assumption that we will focus directly on the content and waste less time browsing the featured advertisements.

Companies have the capability to roll out incredible high speed fiber optic networks yet companies may backlash as they would have to shift to even more directly targeted and interactive marketing strategies to retain value for their advertising dollars.

My opinion is that we will see a dramatic decrease in banner ads as website development can be done by beginners in several minutes and only cost very little. SEO marketing through micro blogs is effective and keeps the money coming for google. Which company doesn't dream of their domain being at the top of dozens of Google searches?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reclusive DVP Groundhog

In a grassy patch between the loud and noisy opposing directions of Toronto's busy highway, a lone groundhog lives inside burrow for many years.

With no escape but certain death, he must accept his destined fate.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Re: Title

Not intended to feed the living dead, rather to encourage the living to be less dead.

Because 'eleven plus two' rearranged is still 'twelve plus one'