It is said that human nature causes us to emphasize the opposite characteristic that is in truth our weakness. The shy person craves attention, overly loud and obnoxious person is lacking self confidence and so forth. In terms of addiction, what we really lack in character is will power, and drugs are the ultimate test of will. All addicts know that there is a certain point of no return when it comes to drug abuse, those that can push close to that line and manage to change their lives have attained the strongest form of will power that a human can achieve.
Let's face it, drugs are fun. When you have a headache, you can meditate, drink some herbal teas, wait and hope or simply pop a Tylenol (or perhaps something with a little more oomph) to instantly eliminate your ailment. Same goes with deeper psychological pains and stronger illegal drugs. There is no over the counter solution to the feeling of isolation and loneliness. Sure there are things you can do to alter your life and eventually with some luck you can start to slowly and painfully erode these crippling emotions. Or just do some drugs.
One of the problems with drugs is that the people that are doing them are poor spokespeople as they themselves generally do not understand the reasons they are drawn into addiction. However, these people are some of the most talented and unique artistic minds who simply are not given an easy paved path in society to find meaning and acceptance. More creative minds work in a different and incredible way that takes much longer periods of self understanding before the talents can be used in a social manner. Drugs are a way to understand yourself, plain and simple.
If you're like me, and have used various substances to help understand your inner needs and desires, know that there are many like you out there. Never let yourself pass the point of no return and you will be stronger and wiser for your struggles. Good luck in your game of chicken.